English Service
《The Office's policy for constructing good relationship with customers》
The Office concenrates on the consultation-oriented serivce and offers comprehensive buiness support aiming at Customer's sound buiness growth in Japan.
Therefore, the Representative equipped with various expertise is directly in charge of Customer with face to face contact.
Prior to making advisory agreement, Cusomer is strongly advised to acknoledge that the following Office's policies are mutually maintained sincerely ;
NO.1 Posting ledgers and book-keeping are proceeded on Customer's side.
The Office puts emphasis on making consultation service, not on making book-keeping, for the purpose of offering more value-added information. The Representative visits Cusomer's
office at least once in a month, checks voucher, general ledger(PC) and consults Customer's managers.
NO.2 Self computerized accounting and electronic tax filing are required.
Concentrating on the mutual discussion and problem solving, Customer is advised by taking advantages of TKC's accounting software "FX2" installed in Customer's PCs, self computerized
accounting will meet the expectations of managers' desire to check the buiness as when/where he/she wants to check.
NO.3 Observation of Japanese disciplines and tax laws is strictly required.
The Office does not intend to make any frauds with regard to filing any tax returns. Instead, Customer is encouraged to assert that the financial statements are truly made in
accordance with accounting standards and the Japanese tax laws. The Customer is encouraged to make sound relationship with financial instututions as well as tax authorities.
《Introduction of the Representative: Hiroki Sasao》
Name of the Representaitve: Hiroki Sasao
Year of birth: 1962
Brithplace:Maebashi-shi, Gunma Pref.
Academic Hisotory: Maebashi highschool, Sophia Univerisity(BA),
Durham University Business School(MBA)
Academic Qualification: BA,MBA,Eiken 1st grade
Leasure:Treking, photogaraph
The Office offers various serivces as follows;
*making a trial balance
*making a financial report
*making a year-ended tax adjustment for the employees
*filling a corporate tax return
*negotiation for tax investigation
*support for establishment of Business
《Potential Customers》
The potential customers are equipped the following elements;
corporation estabulished within Gunma prefecture
minimam Japaense literacy (capable of reading and writing)
willingness to observe discipline and japanese tax laws
《Advisory fee》
corporation \30,000~/month (without consumption tax)
plus \150,000~/end of fiscal year(without consumption tax)
year-ended tax adjustment for the employees
Basic fee \20,000 + \3,000 * numbers of employees
(without consumption tax)
Individual tax return \50,000~ (without consumption tax)
For further details, please contact the Oiffice via E-mail.
The mail address is as follows: sasaozeirishi@sasao.bz